Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Continued from 1.3.2016 :)
 Good afternoon Everybody :) How is life :) ?
Let's start from - where I left ......

So they entered into that UFO, saw some dead creature/people :) Can you imagine that ? isn't that more valuable than money in your bank account or your earthly possession - I believe so :) - So Dr. Gee kept telling their story ( Better we should call their experience ) :-

" We took the little bodies out, and laid them on the ground. We examined them and their clothing.I remember one of our team saying, " That looks like the style of 1890." We examined the bodies very closely and very carefully.They were normal from every standpoint and had no appearance of being what we call on this planet "Midgets." They were perfectly normal in their development. The only problem was that their skin seemed to be charred a very dark chocolate colour. About the only thing that we could decide at the time was that the charring had occurred somewhere in space and their bodies had been burned as a result of air rushing through that broken port hole window, or something going with the means by which the ship was propelled and the cabin pressurised."

They then began began an examination of the ship itself. First they decided to take complete measurements of the ship from the outside. The skin was aluminium coloured.

Reports that had appeared from time to time in the papers about these strange ship and the visitors " continued Dr. Gee, " had always been to the effect that " they looked like flying saucers." with this ship on the ground we could not help but be aware of the fact that it looked like a huge saucer, and you might almost say that there was a cup in it, because the cabin was set in an insert in the bottom of the saucer, The over-all dimensions of the ship were found to be a fraction short of 100 feet in diameter. To be exact it measured 99.99% feet wide. From the outer tip of the wing, which was entirely circular,to the bottom of the saucer, measuring in an imaginary line vertically, was 27 inches.. The cabin which was entirely round, was 18 feet across and 72 inches in height. Exactly 45 inches of the cabin was exposed above the outer rim of the saucer. The portholes were locate din this area."

On getting into the ship, the doctor said, their first objective was to decide, if they could, how the ship was propelled. He was the first to suggest that it probably flew on magnetic lines of force. Some of his staff suggested pushing some of the buttons on what appeared to be the instrument board to find out if his suspicions were true. But all agreed after some discussion that - that would be about the worst possible thing they could do, because if the ship started, nobody would know which button to push to stop it again.

" So the result was, " said Dr.Gee, " that none of us pushed any button on the instrument board ".
There were two "buckets seats," as the doctor called them, in front of the instrument board and two of the little fellows were sitting there, They had fallen over, face down, on the instrument board.

Now it appeared that this ship, if flying on the magnetic lines of force, must have had an automatic type of control, so that when it came into danger or  when it's occupants were not in a position to operate the ship, it simply settled quietly to earth. Obviously it had already flown into our atmospheric area either on intelligence or instruments.

:) Friends The show must go on  .... in next chapter we will share what really happened to that UFO ! Till then Chow :)

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