Thursday, 17 March 2016

George Adam ski (April 17, 1891—April 23, 1965) A polish American ufo researcher claimed in the year of 1952 20 th November  that he and some of his friends confronted a Venusian space ship, basically that was a scout ship which emerged from the  huge submarine shaped mother ship. As per Mr Adam ski he was telepathically given the news of their arrival at a certain place on that rocky mountain side over a ridge on that mountain. When he alone went there to meet that outer space craft and it's occupants leaving  behind his friends at a considerable distance. As per Mr Adam ski's version - At that time he met a human like person with golden hair who telepathically told his name Orthon. Via telepathy orthon tried to convince Mr Adam ski that The The Venusians are worried about the outcome of nuclear war and warned Mr Adam ski about that and that total conversation went via telepathy, Mr Adam ski even told that he had heard the voice of a female counter part of orthon with a singers voice. After they flew away Mr Adam ski and his good friend Mr. George Hunt Williamson  were able to get a chance to take plaster of paris of that Venusians foot print full of unknown symbols.                                                        
 As per Mr. Adam ski that Venusian space craft was  made of a type of translucent metal with a couple of three port holes  in three sides of that saucer shaped craft with a dome over the head fitted with a sparkling light. They exchanged good wishes not as our own hand shake but putting ones hand on others palm with the feeling of great wisdom and love !
 Mr George Adam ski later died in April 23 1965 at Arlington National Cemetery..
  Friends Hope you are enjoying these incredible experiences, I am just telling you all just confirm our aim that UFO s really exists and their magnetic propulsion theory is million years ahead of our theory of flying. I want you all be my co-passenger towards the excellence of our future fly to the unknown but inhabitable planets which are far far ahead of us .

Cheers Arban :) Till next time  .............................................................................................................

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